Category: Tech

Love Is in the Air: Introducing ‘ChemMatch’ – The Dating App for Chemtrail Believers

In an era where love is often swiped left or right based on the most superficial of criteria, a new player emerges on the dating scene to connect hearts through the unlikeliest of shared interests: chemtrails. Yes, you heard right.

For those who spend their days scanning the skies, not for the perfect sunset Instagram shot, but for evidence of government or alien intervention, finding love just got a whole lot easier. Enter “ChemMatch,” the groundbreaking dating app where the only thing more in the air than love is a potent mix of aluminum, strontium, and barium – or so some believe.

ChemMatch was born out of the lonely heart of a former conspiracy theorist turned tech entrepreneur, Gary Nimbus. Nimbus found that his passionate rants about the secret chemicals being sprayed into our atmosphere were, shockingly, not the aphrodisiac he believed them to be. After one too many dates ended with polite, yet firm, requests to “please stop talking about the government’s weather control program,” Nimbus had a revelation. What if there was a place where the chemically curious could find each other? A safe space where “Do you believe in chemtrails?” was as common a conversation starter as “What do you do for a living?”

Thus, ChemMatch was conceived—not in a lab, but in the vast conspiracy-laden expanse of Nimbus’ mind. The app promises to connect those who have been looking for love in all the wrong places: namely, anyone who hasn’t been looking up. With ChemMatch, conspiracy theorists, skywatchers, and truth seekers can finally find someone who doesn’t just tolerate their passion for uncovering the truth about chemtrails but shares it.

So, for those who’ve felt alienated on traditional dating apps, ChemMatch offers a beacon of hope (and possibly a tin foil hat) to help find love amidst the misty trails of the sky. Because, as Nimbus likes to say, “When it comes to love and chemtrails, seeing is believing.” Welcome to the dawn of a new dating era, where the question isn’t whether love is in the air, but what else might be.

The Concept Behind ChemMatch

In the shadowy corners of the internet, where the truth is considered more malleable than Play-Doh, Gary Nimbus realized he was not alone. His eureka moment came one lonely night after binge-watching documentaries on weather manipulation, when he thought, “What if there’s someone out there who also believes the clouds are not what they seem?” This thought was the seed from which ChemMatch sprouted, watered by the tears of countless conspiracy theorists who had been ghosted after their first mention of “the truth about the skies.”

Nimbus, a man who once tried to start a social movement by spelling “WAKE UP SHEEPLE” with lawn signs, decided to pivot towards technology to unite the like-minded. ChemMatch, therefore, was designed from the ground up to be a haven for those whose idea of pillow talk includes discussions on the latest in aerial spraying theories. The app uses a state-of-the-art, definitely-not-government-monitored algorithm to connect users based on their beliefs about chemtrails, from the convinced to the curious, and even to the skeptics dragged in by friends who swear by its efficacy.

Upon signing up, users are greeted with a spectrum of conspiracy theories to weigh in on, but the crown jewel of their profile is the “Belief Spectrum.” Here, they indicate just how convinced they are that chemtrails are responsible for everything from climate change to why their pizza delivery was late. Another innovative feature, “Sky Gazing Habits,” lets users share how often they observe the skies, document suspicious contrails, and attend local meetups to discuss the looming aerial threat.

But ChemMatch isn’t just about matching based on chemtrail beliefs. It’s a platform for connection over a shared lifestyle that often feels misunderstood by the mainstream. The app includes thoughtful touches like encrypted messaging to ensure privacy from prying eyes (because you never know) and filters to connect users with local or long-distance conspiracy theorists. After all, in the world of chemtrail believers, distance is just another government-imposed illusion.

The founding story of ChemMatch is not just a tale of innovation; it’s a love letter to the conspiracy theory community. It’s Nimbus’ way of saying, “You are not alone. There’s someone out there for everyone, even if you believe that ‘someone’ might be a reptilian in disguise.” Through ChemMatch, Nimbus hopes to prove that love is not only blind but also impervious to the alleged mind-controlling chemicals supposedly sprinkled from above.

In the end, ChemMatch is more than just an app; it’s a movement. It stands as a beacon of hope for those who have been looking for love in all the wrong places, namely, anywhere earthbound. For in the vast, mysterious expanse above, where contrails weave the tapestry of conspiracy, ChemMatch users find solace in knowing they’re swiping right on more than just a profile—they’re swiping right on a shared truth.

How It Works

Navigating the world of online dating can be as complex and intricate as untangling the myriad theories surrounding chemtrails themselves. However, ChemMatch seeks to streamline this process, ensuring that even those who believe the moon landing was staged can find their way to love—or at least to someone who agrees with them about what’s really in jet fuel.

Setting Up Your Profile: The journey begins with crafting your ChemMatch profile, a process designed to be as enlightening as discovering a new conspiracy theory. Users start by selecting their chemtrail beliefs from a dropdown menu that includes options ranging from “Skeptical but curious” to “They’re turning the frogs gay.” Next, they can add their conspiracy theory interests, ensuring that matches share more than just a keen eye for suspicious cloud patterns. The pièce de résistance is choosing preferred “chemtrail watching” dates, enabling users to find that special someone to share a blanket, a pair of binoculars, and perhaps a life with, all while gazing at the skies.

The Matching Process: Once the profile is set, ChemMatch’s algorithm kicks into gear, sifting through users to find potential matches based on shared beliefs and interests. Unlike other dating apps where proximity and physical preferences dominate, ChemMatch prioritizes ideological compatibility, ensuring that sparks fly based on shared truths rather than superficial traits. When two users match, they’re notified with a gentle alert accompanied by the sound of a jet engine, a whimsical reminder of the app’s purpose.

In-App Features: Beyond matching, ChemMatch offers a suite of features to deepen connections and foster community among its users. The encrypted messaging system allows for private conversations away from the potentially judgmental eyes of non-believers. For those eager to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, the app provides a news feed featuring the latest in conspiracy theory developments, from chemtrail activity reports to government cover-up exposés. Perhaps most uniquely, ChemMatch facilitates virtual dates to watch the skies together, enabling couples to share in the wonder (or worry) of what’s overhead, even if they’re continents apart.

ChemMatch demystifies the dating process for conspiracy theorists, providing a safe and accepting platform for those often marginalized by their unconventional beliefs. It’s a place where asking someone if they’re a government spy is considered flirtatious banter rather than a relationship-ending accusation. In the world of ChemMatch, love is not just about finding someone who looks good in a profile picture; it’s about finding someone who shares your passion for uncovering the truths hidden in plain sight, above us all.

Success Stories

In the shadow of skepticism and amidst the swirling mists of chemtrails, ChemMatch has fostered connections that transcend the usual bounds of online dating, blossoming into real-world love stories that even the most ardent non-believers might find heartwarming. These tales of romance, rooted in shared convictions about the skies above, serve as a testament to the app’s unique ability to bring together kindred spirits.

The Tale of Skyward Hearts: Jenna and Mark, both avid followers of aerial phenomena, matched on ChemMatch after discovering a shared interest in documenting unexplained contrails. Their first date, a picnic under a particularly busy flight path, was nothing short of magical. Between discussions about geoengineering and exchanging notes on cloud seeding, they found something even more elusive than evidence of chemtrail activity: love. Their wedding, held at an open-air venue under the watchful eyes of both family and the skies, featured table centerpieces that mimicked cloud formations and vows that promised eternal co-skywatching. Today, they run a popular blog that chronicles their adventures in both love and atmospheric investigation.

From Skepticism to the Altar: Emily, a self-proclaimed chemtrail skeptic, joined ChemMatch on a dare. She never expected to meet Alex, a passionate believer who challenged her doubts with compelling arguments and, surprisingly, charm. What started as a spirited debate over encrypted messages soon blossomed into a profound connection. Their engagement photo, featuring the couple lovingly gazing at the sky with a “Will you conspire with me forever?” banner, went viral in conspiracy theory circles, becoming a beacon of hope for believers and skeptics alike.

Chemtrails to Chapel: Liam and Sarah, both conspiracy theory enthusiasts, found in each other not just a partner for life but a co-conspirator in the quest for truth. Their first encounter was at a ChemMatch-organized group skywatch event, where sparks flew faster than unidentifiable flying objects. Their engagement, a surprise proposal at a major chemtrail conference, was met with cheers from fellow theorists and featured prominently in the ChemMatch success stories blog. The couple credits ChemMatch with not only finding each other but also creating a community where their beliefs are validated and celebrated.

These stories highlight the core of what ChemMatch aims to achieve: a world where love is not hindered by differing views on what’s happening in our skies but is instead built on the mutual respect and shared curiosity that such discussions can foster. ChemMatch doesn’t just connect people; it creates a space where love and belief in the unconventional can coexist, proving that sometimes, looking up can lead to the most profound human connections.

Addressing Skepticism

While ChemMatch has soared in popularity among its niche audience, it hasn’t been without turbulence. Critics argue that the app might reinforce echo chambers, where users insulate themselves with beliefs that go unchecked and unchallenged. Furthermore, there’s concern about the platform spreading misinformation, given its focus on chemtrail conspiracy theories—a topic that, in mainstream circles, is often met with raised eyebrows and scientific rebuttals.

Confronting the Echo Chamber Critique: In response to these concerns, ChemMatch’s founder, Gary Nimbus, has been vocal about the platform’s mission to foster open dialogue and critical thinking. “ChemMatch isn’t about sealing ourselves off from the world,” Nimbus explains. “It’s about providing a space where people who feel marginalized by their beliefs can find community and conversation. We encourage our users to question, to research, and to engage in healthy debates.” To this end, ChemMatch has introduced features like the “Debate Room,” a forum where users can discuss and challenge each other’s views in a structured and respectful environment.

Tackling the Misinformation Challenge: Addressing the spread of misinformation head-on, ChemMatch has taken proactive steps to educate its user base. The app includes access to a curated library of resources on atmospheric science, offering perspectives from both within and outside the conspiracy theory community. “Our goal isn’t to tell our users what to think,” Nimbus says, “but to offer them a range of information so they can form more informed opinions.” ChemMatch also hosts virtual talks with experts in meteorology, environmental science, and critical thinking to bridge the gap between belief and knowledge.

Promoting Healthy Discussions: At its core, ChemMatch seeks to be more than just a dating app; it aims to be a catalyst for growth and understanding. By facilitating conversations that go beyond the echo chamber, ChemMatch encourages its users to explore the world of conspiracy theories with a critical eye. “Love is about growth, about challenging each other to be better,” Nimbus states. “We want our users to find love, but we also want them to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.”

Despite the skepticism, ChemMatch remains committed to its unique blend of romance and inquiry. By fostering a community that values both love and the pursuit of truth, the app strives to demonstrate that critical thinking and open-hearted connection are not mutually exclusive. In doing so, ChemMatch not only defends itself against critiques but also carves out a distinct niche in the crowded landscape of online dating, proving that even the most unconventional beliefs can be the foundation for meaningful connections.

Future Plans for ChemMatch

As ChemMatch continues to ascend in the constellation of dating apps, its trajectory is aimed at not just maintaining altitude but soaring to new heights. The platform, which has successfully united hearts under the banner of shared skies, has ambitious plans to expand its universe, ensuring that its community remains engaged, enlightened, and ever-expanding.

Expanding the Conspiracy Spectrum: Recognizing that the heart of its user base beats not just for chemtrails but for a multitude of unexplained and contested phenomena, ChemMatch plans to broaden its algorithm to include a wider range of conspiracy theories and topics of intrigue. From UFO sightings to secret society speculations, users will soon be able to match with others based on a more diverse set of interests, ensuring that everyone can find their perfect conspiracy companion.

Enhancing Community Engagement: To foster a deeper sense of community among its users, ChemMatch is set to launch group skywatch events. These events, both virtual and in select real-world locations, will offer members the opportunity to meet and mingle in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere, all while keeping an eye on the heavens above. By facilitating these gatherings, ChemMatch aims to strengthen the bonds within its community, turning solitary pursuits into shared adventures.

Educational Initiatives: In line with its commitment to promoting informed discussions and critical thinking, ChemMatch is developing a series of educational initiatives. These include a monthly webinar series featuring experts in various fields related to conspiracy theories, atmospheric science, and critical reasoning. By providing its users with access to reliable information and diverse viewpoints, ChemMatch hopes to elevate the level of discourse on the platform, turning curiosity into knowledge.

Debate and Dialogue Features: Building on the success of the “Debate Room,” ChemMatch plans to introduce more features designed to encourage healthy debate and dialogue among its users. A new feature, “The Conspiracy Conclave,” will allow users to host and participate in moderated discussions on specific topics, promoting a deeper understanding and respect for differing viewpoints.

Tech Innovations for Enhanced Matching: On the technical front, ChemMatch is exploring the use of augmented reality (AR) to create more immersive experiences for its users. Imagine pointing your phone at the sky to identify chemtrails together on a virtual date or using AR to overlay information about atmospheric phenomena during a live skywatch event. These tech innovations aim to blend the digital dating experience with the tangible world, creating a more engaging and interactive platform.

As ChemMatch embarks on these ambitious plans, its mission remains clear: to connect individuals through shared interests in the mysteries that hover above and beyond. By expanding its offerings and continuing to foster a community of open-minded seekers, ChemMatch is not just redefining the landscape of online dating; it’s charting a course towards a future where love and curiosity walk hand in hand, exploring the unknown together.


In the ever-expanding universe of online dating, ChemMatch has carved out a unique niche, proving that even the most unconventional of shared interests—like chemtrails—can be the foundation for profound connections and enduring relationships. As it prepares to navigate the future with ambitious expansions and innovative features, ChemMatch remains a testament to the power of shared curiosity and the unyielding human desire to connect on a deeper level.

ChemMatch transcends the typical boundaries of online dating, creating a space where the skies are not just a backdrop for romantic encounters but a canvas for shared exploration and discovery. It challenges the notion that love must conform to conventional parameters, instead celebrating the diversity of human belief and the richness that comes from truly understanding and accepting another’s worldview.

The success stories that have emerged from ChemMatch are not just love stories; they are narratives of enlightenment, of minds opened and horizons broadened. They remind us that sometimes, the most unexpected common ground can lead to the most extraordinary connections. As Gary Nimbus, the visionary behind ChemMatch, often says, “It’s not just about finding someone who looks up at the sky and sees the same things you do. It’s about finding someone who looks at the world and dreams the same dreams.”

As ChemMatch continues to evolve, it invites everyone—believer, skeptic, and the simply curious alike—to join its ranks. Whether you’re searching for love, friendship, or just a place to belong, ChemMatch offers a community where your most outlandish theories and wildest speculations are not just welcomed but celebrated.

So, to those who have ever felt adrift in a sea of disbelief, ChemMatch extends an invitation to come aboard. Here, you’ll find a crew of like-minded souls, all navigating the mysteries of the universe together. With ChemMatch, love isn’t just in the air—it’s in the chemtrails, in the stars, and in every message sent with a hope and a dream. Welcome to the dawn of a new era in dating, where the truth isn’t out there—it’s right here, waiting to be discovered together.

What are “chembows?”

If you’ve been paying attention to chemtrails, you may have observed rainbow smearing (diffraction) of light reflected off them.  Dark sunglasses can bring the subtle rainbows into the dynamic range of the human eye.  Chembows are often visible when the sunlight reflects at approximately 45• angle to the chemtrail.  Wikipedia entry on diffraction rainbow

A popular chembow image. Notice how only the wispy remnants of the chemtrail diffract the sunlight, not the clouds.

Diffraction is a quantum interaction between photons of light and edges of atoms.  When metallic surfaces have features smaller than a wavelength of visible light (nanometer scale),  different wavelengths will be reflected at different angles.  When features are ordered in a linear pattern (such as on a DVD optical disc), a rainbow will appear.



Illustration of white light diffracting off a metallic diffraction grating

Diffraction Effects

In the rain, or other atmospheric conditions where water droplets are large enough, rainbows appear due to refraction.  Atmospheric refraction (such as from a rainbow in a rainstorm) is a similar phenomenon to chemtrail diffraction.  Its important to note, however, that rainbows can be seen in light reflected off chemtrails, not only refracted from behind, which may occur under other atmospheric conditions, such as the presence of large ice crystals or droplets.

Refraction thru a prism (or water droplet of sufficient size). Refraction occurs when light passes thru a surface into a material with different <i>index of refraction</i>


Refraction thru a prism (or water droplet of sufficient size). Refraction occurs when light passes thru a surface into a material with different index of refraction

More examples of chembows:

Dark sky indicates reduced exposure, necessary bring rainbow into dynamic range of the sensor.

Dark sky indicates reduced exposure, necessary to bring rainbow into dynamic range of the sensor.

Filamentous wisps may indicate presence of heavier-than-water particulate aerosol.

Filamentous wisps may indicate presence of heavier-than-water particulate aerosol. Pink and green dominate the rainbow, matching emission spectra of barium.

Monsanto Aluminum-resistant GMO – Comment thread on Thom Hartmann site

Unfortunately some disinfo shill was dominating the comment thread on his site so I just went ahead and cleaned it up a bit 😉

Monsanto develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds

ABCee's picture
Submitted by ABCee on 14. May 2010 – 8:43

Why on earth would anybody need aluminum resistant seeds?

“Delivering Genetically Engineered Crops to Poor Farmers”


LeMoyne's picture


LeMoyne wrote 23 weeks 1 day ago

From a testing company

From a testing company website:

Very little Al+++ in the soil solution is required to cause damage to most plants. Few, if any plants grown for commercial purposes in this country will tolerate more than 1.0 ppm of soluble Al+++, and most will have some problems at levels greater than 0.5 ppm.

Aluminum is a common metal in soils.  It is a significant toxin in acid soils (or soils exposed to acid rain) causing stunted roots (no rootlets ergo poor plant health).  Good picture on that site as well.

Here are that site’s general conclusions

— When the soil pH is below 5.0, soluble Al is almost certainly a problem.

— When the soil pH is between 5.0 and 5.5, soluble Al likely a small problem

— When the soil pH is between 5.5 and 6.0, soluble Al is not likely to be a significant problem

— When the soil pH is above 6.0, soluble Al is almost certainly not a problem.

— Lime is the solution to excess soluble Al in the topsoil

— Gypsum may be needed to correct excess soluble Al in the subsoil

Hope that’s helpful – I learned something so… thanks!   The genetic modification to withstand Aluminum is probably done to keep an acid tolerant plant from surviving the low pH but stunting from Al+++ poisoning.

Snorky2k's picture


Snorky2k wrote 23 weeks 1 day ago

Won’t adding gypsum liberate

Won’t adding gypsum liberate toxic H2S as gas?

ABCee's picture


ABCee wrote 23 weeks 1 day ago

Quote:Aluminum is a common


Aluminum is a common metal in soils.  It is a significant toxin in acid soils (or soils exposed to acid rain) causing stunted roots (no rootlets ergo poor plant health).

Why is aluminum present in off the scale amounts in the Mt. Shasta area?

When a hydro-geologist was shown the tests, he stated, “unless you live near an Alcoa Aluminum plant, there is no way these types of metals (barium has also been detected) should be showing up in your pond or rainwater samples, in any quantity.”  The Pit River sample tested at 4,610,000 ug/L, which is 4,610 times the MCL. 
Citizens seeking answers to aluminum contamination concerns

sevart's picture


sevart wrote 4 weeks 4 days ago

For any coincidence theorists

For any coincidence theorists out there, here is the patent for the aluminum aerial spraying……

All in the name of the global warming, global cooling,climate change ,global climate disruption or whatever they call it now fraud.

User's picture


User wrote 4 weeks 2 days ago

I followed this case for two

I followed this case for two years. This is backed up with facts. Bill HR 875  was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband Stanley Greenburg works for Monsanto, the worlds largest herbicide company.  Since 2004 tests were conducted on high levels of aluminum in the soil.  Here is a lab report.

Many different lab tests resulted in  high levels of unatural aluminum oxide and barium which are direct results from the chemtrails. My conclusion is that the levels are not natural but man made. Some agency is purposely putting this in the air.

ABCee's picture


ABCee wrote 2 weeks 4 days ago

Make sure to watch the new

Make sure to watch the new documentary What In The World Are They Spraying?which looks at the aluminum resistant Monsanto seeds, and the dramatically increased levels of aluminum and other toxic materials in such “pristine” ecosystems as the Mt. Shasta area.

Choco's picture


Choco wrote 2 weeks 4 days ago

ABCee wrote: Make sure to

ABCee wrote:

Make sure to watch the new documentary What In The World Are They Spraying?which looks at the aluminum resistant Monsanto seeds, and the dramatically increased levels of aluminum and other toxic materials in such “pristine” ecosystems as the Mt. Shasta area.

Brought to you buy or globalist friends at Council of Foreign Relations: Geoengineering.

steveaustin's picture


steveaustin wrote 2 weeks 4 days ago

However that is just

However that is just bullsh-it, the real reason is that the aluminum gets into the environment and it is weaking the plants and in 2-4 years if we want food we will have to buy GMO seeds that are . . . . (of course) aluminum resistant. The data and evidence is all there, from the plants getting sick/weaker, to the monsanto aluminum resistant biotech seeds. Aluminum Foil

ABCee's picture


ABCee wrote 2 weeks 2 days ago

makuck wrote:Quote: In the

makuck wrote:


In the end government is probably the only thing between us and Monsanto that prevents them from actually doing something like destroying seed banks of ancient non-gmo plant varieties.

Speaking of seed banks, I find it interesting that Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vaulton the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

More on Mr. Gates:

Amidst revelations in this weekend’s (May 24th) London Times newspaper that a team of scientists and engineers funded by billionaire Bill Gates are planning to carry out a 10,000 square kilometer field trial of controversial “cloud-whitening” technology, over one hundred civil society groups are urging governments meeting on biological diversity in Nairobi to stop risky geoengineering experiments now. Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological schemes to intentionally alter the planet’s systems as a quick fix for climate change.

The Interconnected World of Tech Companies


Interconnected World of Tech Companies



Chromecast App for Kindle

Chromecast App for Kindle Fire : While Kindle Fire might not be the hottest gadget in the market, it has indeed some good offers that you might want to try out. The first thing is that the device that Amazon proudly developed is available at a very low price. Also, this thing will be good enough for light activities, such as reading eBooks or browsing the internet, which is the main point of Kindle products.

One other thing that you might want to try out with your Kindle Fire device is streaming contents, such as videos, images or sound files, directly to your TV system. Well, the correct term would be casting it from the device to TV. You can do this simply with the help of Chromecast App for Kindle Fire. Here’s how.


Kindle Fire is developed by Amazon, who actually using a customized version of Android. This makes the appearance of the operating system inside the device looks very different than the usual Android. But the thing is that Fire OS, the name of the operating system, can also run most Android app just as well.

To be able to enjoy casting the media from your device, you need to install 4 requirement programs for it to work. The first one is the Chromecast App for Android. This is actually the official app that Chromecast team has released to support the usage of casting with mobile devices. You will not be able to directly install this because Kindle Fire has no Google Play system installed on default. So, you can try to install it from third party installers. There are many out there that you can use.

Meanwhile, the other three will be a little bit more technical. You will need all of the Google Play apps for the activity to run. They are Google Play Service app, Play Store app and also the Goode Services Framework app. Same as the one above, you can only install the program by downloading the APKs to your Fire, preferably by using your PC to download it and then transfer it to your device.

Next, you can start by installing the APK one by one. Start by transferring the APKs to your phone and store it somewhere easy to access. Install the Google Play Service App first on your device. Then, you can move on to the Chromecast App for Android. Be informed that your Chromecast app will still not be able to function correctly with this because it will still need the other two.

Then, you can open the APK of Google Framework App and wait for it to install completely. Lastly, installing the Google Play Store App will make you able to connect your device with your TV.

To use the Chromecast App for Kindle Fire, you can simply open the app and search for the activated Chromecast dongle that is also connected to your Wi-Fi connection. After being connected, you can now go to various app on your phone that also supported media casting. This includes Youtube App for Kindle Fire, which will let you watch HD videos on your TV screen.

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